Rico, Gerald, Anthony, Marvell, and Jeremy Celebrate just after Gerald is Baptized into Christ! (Rom 6:1-4)

Rico, Gerald, Anthony, Marvell, and Jeremy Celebrate just after Gerald is Baptized into Christ! (Rom 6:1-4)

Greetings from the “Valley of the ‘Son’!”  God has worked another miracle, proving his sovereignty as “he determined the times set for [Gerald] and the exact places where [he] should live” and he put Gerald in the path of some campus sisters who shared with him “so that [Gerald] would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him!” (Acts 17:26-27) He is a student at Mesa Community College and is from Milwaukee Wisconsin.  Our brother Marvell from the campus ministry is also from Milwaukee and has been praying to meet someone from “back home” to help become a disciple!  Gerald and Marvell actually attended the same high school and Gerald knew of Marvell’s “wild past.”  Gerald was blown away by the changes Marvell had made in his life and this moved him to study the bible seriously.  Over the past couple of months, he has diligently and steadily studied the scriptures and today made his good confession and was baptized with his mother, father, and younger sister in the audience!  We are grateful to God to be in the battle with all of you, please keep us in your prayers!  To our heavenly Father be the glory!