Andre is restored to the family of God!

Andre is restored to the family of God!

“This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter.  I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.” – Psalm 118:20-21. What an amazing day here in the “Valley of The Son!”  God has answered our prayers and has brought through “the gate” into his kingdom two more souls committed to seeking first his Kingdom and his Righteousness!  First, our dear brother Andre shared vulnerably how he left the kingdom earlier this year because he refused God’s discipline (Prov 15:10).  It was very moving to hear him tearfully apologize to our God and the fellowship, his repentance is both refreshing and healing and we are so thankful that he’s come home to the Father and the family!

Dave pictured with the brothers from the Campus and Singles who studied the bible with him!

Dave pictured with the brothers from the Campus and Singles who studied the bible with him!

Secondly, when Jacob was about cross the fords of the Jabbok in Genesis 32 he ends up spending the night wrestling with God and being renamed “Israel” which means.  This Saturday we met with Dave who is a freshman at ASU studying biomedical engineering – to count the cost.  At the end of the study, Dave was not certain he could really give up everything.  We looked over this passage and called him to wrestle with God in prayer about this matter.  Dave then spent all night Saturday taking an epic prayer walk for over 20 miles calling out to God.   After that he review the notes and scriptures until the brothers picked him up for church.  He came to the deep conviction that he could do all things through Jesus, who will give him strength!  Today God resurrected Dave to a new life through his faith and good confession in the waters of baptism!  To our God be the glory!