Sunday Send-Off Celebration Service “The Cost of The Cross” – Nelson Brown

Sunday, 5/23, at 10:00 AM MST
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:997 4171 2159
For more information, message us here:

Special Send-Off Sunday Celebration – “The Cost of The Cross” (Nelson Brown)

Join us as we celebrate Nelson & Sydney Brown moving to the Washington DC International Christian Church! Nelson became a disciple in March of 2016 and Sydney in November of 2013. Both became disciples while attending ASU and were a vibrant part of the ASU LIFE Campus Ministry. The Browns have been training as Region Leaders during this past year and have gallantly poured themselves into the full-time ministry. It is a bittersweet joy to see them embark on this new leg in their journey with God. Today, Nelson will be preaching powerfully about “The Cost of The Cross” and his amazing wife will be sharing her testimony for communion! Please join us as we celebrate God, His mission, and this inspiring brother and sister being “blown away by the Holy Spirit!”

Join Us In Person Or Over Zoom

We will be meeting together in small groups throughout the Phoenix Valley to participate in the 10:00 AM Zoom service. DM us if you’d like to join us in one of these small groups for fellowship!

The virtual service Zoom broadcast will open up at 9:45 AM for fellowship and the service program will start at 10:00 AM.

Zoom Service Information
Meeting ID: 997 4171 2159
Passcode: LGLP21

Typically, before church service and after we will have a Zoom (or FB Messenger) fellowship at 9:45 AM before the service starts. Please contact us via Facebook or visit our and give us a call!

Let’s Connect & Study The Bible

If you are interested in studying the bible, we would love to get some 1-on-1 time in the word with you! Please message us at or contact us at!

We also have engaging Bible Talks throughout the week all around the Phoenix Valley. These small groups are lively discussions where we come together and look into God’s Word and help each other apply it, understand it, and ultimately live it! (see

Find A Bible Talk Near You!

If you contact us via our Facebook page ( via messenger we’ll be sure to connect you with one of our “bible talks.” We have Fun and faith-building fellowships for campus students and teens as well – and you can reach us at! You can also contact us via our local church directory at

Please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel – and like our page!

If you would like to support our local and international ministry efforts for the gospel, you can donate at!

Thank you for joining us today!

Jeremy Ciaramella
Evangelist / Cyberevangelist /