(Nubian Thompson (right) with her daughter, Lyric)

(Nubian Thompson (right) with her daughter, Lyric)

What Does Shepherding Mean?

John 10:11
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
Psalm 23:1
“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.”

A shepherd is one who watches over, looks after, and guides the safety and welfare of the flock (Shepherding); A few qualities of a good shepherd would be:
Lays one’s life down 
Being watchful
Leading by example

Personal Example of Shepherding

– [ ] A way to relate to being a shepherd is really in my day to day walk. I try to lay my life down, I am sure there are areas where I fall short. (I think mostly in my thoughts). But I play it out to the end, which could be a good thing because then I talk myself out of walking away or giving up on a disciple in real life.

– [ ] I try every tool that I have in the box, I fight for the person spiritually to the bitter end – meaning that, until they say that they don’t want to be a disciple anymore, then my job is not done. (In some cases, even after they have said it, I still continue to fight for them, because I don’t think they deeply realize the mistake they are making). First, I try talking to the person, listening to their heart, praying for them and with them, having a quiet time with them, giving them examples of similar things that I have had to deal with spiritually and how I persevered or what worked for me during my time of trial. Secondly fasting for them. And thirdly getting other people to pray for them and involving other leaders to get advice to help that person.

– [ ] What comes to mind is our new baby sister. After she got baptized, almost immediately things started to change with her. I tried to help her. For example, I have listened to her, prayed with her, had d-groups with her, involved leadership, hung out with her, tried encouraging her, asked about her quiet times and what she is reading, prayed and cried, and prayed some more. I have tried to protect her, the family, and the flock. I have challenged her. Meanwhile, I have been trying to stay grounded myself and stand firm. I have tried to encourage and protect other disciples within the household during this time as well as disciples around the flock by bringing this situation to the light.


– [ ] Some practicals would be, trying to dig out the deep waters and also listening to the person, walking with them daily to make sure they don’t feel alone, and helping their faith. Sometimes it could be good to have a d-group with the person as well.

Scriptures on Shepherding

We serve as shepherds – 1 Peter 5:1-5
Disciples lead with knowledge and understanding – Jeremiah 3:15
God wants us to be prepared for works of service – so that we can build up the body – Ephesians 4:11-14
A shepherd has to trust God and not go by their own understanding- Proverbs 3:5-6
Good shepherds must know the flock – John 10:9-18
We have got be good listeners because that draw out the deep waters – Proverbs 17:27
A shepherd has to hold firmly to the message and be able to refute those who oppose sound doctrine- Titus 1:9
An example of a female shepherdess – Genesis 29:9
Shepherd’s need to go after lost sheep – Luke 15:4-7

This “Holiday Quiet Times” series was written for the month of December 2020. Brothers and sisters from the Phoenix and Tucson churches contributed these various daily devotionals. You can download the PDF packet here: “2020 Holiday Quiet Times.